October 2023

Jobs in the garden for October


For early flowers with longer stems, sow Sweet Peas this month in a cold greenhouse or frame.  Sow the seeds in pots of about 6” in diameter, sowing 10 seeds per pot spaced out.  Do not sow too deeply, about ¼ inch is about right.  Water in and protect for the possible ravages of mice damage.  The seedlings produced by this method will be ready for planting out in the Spring.  Plant out Autumn bedding plants while the soil is still reasonably warm, they will get established much quicker and with much better results in the Spring next year. Continue to plant Spring flowering bulbs but leave Tulips until November. Lift and divide Bergenia hardy geraniums and Phlox this month but leave other kinds until early Spring.

Trees and Shrubs 

 Move any evergreen shrubs in October if there is a necessity to move them for some reason.  Dig around the shrub and always aim to lift the shrub with a root ball. Cut back Buddleia, Sambucus and Lavateria by a third now to avoid wind rock during the winter months, leave the final pruning until next Spring .If you are intending to plant evergreen hedging plants now is the time to do it as they establish much better if done in October.  Deciduous hedging can be planted at any time over the winter months.  Plant new container grown shrubs and Trees this month but leave the planting of any sun loving shrubs such as Ceanothus, Cistus and Lavender until next April.

Fruit and Vegetables   

Continue to harvest fruit and vegetables for storing for winter use.  Store only sound specimens using any which are imperfect in some way immediately.  Always store in a cool dry place.  Apply barrier glue or grease bands to the trunks of Apple and Pear trees to reduce the attack of the winter moth which climbs the trunks of trees at this time of year.  Sow Broad Beans at the end of October using a winter hardy variety such as Aquadulce which is ideal for this purpose.  Cut down the stems of Asparagus as the foliage yellows and give a heavy mulching of farmyard manure or garden compost.  Plant Garlic now and also complete the planting of over wintering Onion sets as soon as possible.  Cut out the fruited canes of Blackberries, Raspberries, Loganberries and other hybrid berries.


If not already done, spike and topdress lawns and apply an Autumn turf fertilizer when weather conditions are right.  Fallen leaves should be regularly removed from lawns to help reduce the likelihood of fungal diseases taking hold at this time.  Now is also a good time to lay new turf as it will establish quickly before the soil temperatures drop.


Remove any shading material left in place as plants will need as much light as possible from now on.  Reduce the amount of water and feeding to your plants from now on and remember to water early in the day so that excess moisture has time to evaporate before the onset of darkness.  Overhaul and check out all greenhouse heaters to see that they are in working order before they are needed.